Counting my blessings with the multitudes on Monday #346 – #358

#346 I awoke this morning to a freezing fog. How thankful I was for a husband who scraped the windshields of my van for me before I loaded the pups up for their morning run.

#347 I am thankful for my hands and feet. I can walk where I want to go and type my thank you list. The aching arthritis reminds me I have joints that move and on this prompt I give Him the glory.

#348 I am thankful for a young friend who compares me to the mother she loves very much. I am thankful for her verbal affirmation of my work in a workplace where there are few positives.

Ashley and I having a great time with her sons and my grandsons

#349 I am thankful for a life of peace in the midst of a chaotic world.

#350 I am thankful for food on my table, so much food that I don’t think twice about it. I am reminded that many in the world have to think about food constantly and worry that there will never be enough. I extend my hand to them through offerings and prayers.

#351 I am thankful for Christmas and the excitement of the birth of the Son and that I have known Him most of my life and that I have a husband who stretches me in that knowing and children who are the next generation carrying His coming out into their worlds.

#352 I am thankful for becoming aware of a subculture in this country who need prayer and ministry, as we all do, of course, but they need a special touch. For men who cross-dress regularly. for those who change sexes, those who are attracted to the same sex and those who try to redefine the gift of sex. I pray for lawmakers considering the retraction of the (Defense of Marriage Act) DOMA and the redefinition of marriage as my country now knows it based on Biblical principles.

#353 I am thankful my younger daughter is becoming heavily involved in the community outreach in her church. She who needs outreach herself is reaching out. May the Lord help her find her answers as she helps others find theirs.

#354 I am thankful that my mother has a loving husband to watch over her as she forgets more and more.

#355 I am thankful for soy candles that fill up my bedroom with the scent of coffee or butterscotch or baked apple pie or cinnamon or or or …

#356 I am thankful for the freedom to listen to music, watch movies, play games and own a television, computer and radio. I was reminded of this when a former female student I had from Afghanistan told me of how she had to hide from the Taliban to watch American movies in her home and the severe penalties she would incur if they “caught” her doing so.

#357 I am thankful there are answers for the problems my friends are suffering: surgery for some, counseling, new work, volunteers to help, financial assistance, prioritization, a second chance.

#358 I am thankful I always have a partner for lunch.

God of the passing hour,

Another week has begun and I am being preserved

in my going out

in my coming in

Thine is the vigilance that turns threatened evils aside

Thine the supplies that nourish me;

Thine the comforts that indulge me;

Thine the relations and friends that delight me;

Thine the means of grace which edifies me;

Thine the Book, which, amidst all my enjoyments, has told me that this is not my rest,

that in all successes one thing alone is needful,

to love my Saviour.

from The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions by Arthur Bennett

an adaptation of Lord’s Day Eve (page 191)

Prayerfully with the Multitudes on Monday at Ann’s,
