An Advent A-ha!

IMG_1850During Advent, my husband and I add the Jesse Tree to our morning devotions. This morning we read the story of Moses and hung the 10 commandments ornament on the tree. We are using Ann Voskamp’s book and ornaments that I took from her web site several years ago. The book and ornaments have since evolved into a colorful hardback book called Unwrapping the Greatest Gift:A Family Celebration of Christmas and 3-D ornaments can be made or purchased online in paper or resin. I love the ones I made years ago. I downloaded the pictures from Ann’s blog site and pasted them on sparkle paper and then laminated them so they would last. The pages that go with the ornaments were pulled together and bound with spiral binding.

This morning was no different from any other time I have read Ann Voskamp. She gets right to the heart of the matter. She was tellingIMG_1848 her readers that God only gave 10 rules and that in our sinful state we can’t even keep 10. In fact, she challenged us to pick one commandment and see if we could keep it for a whole day. I thought to myself, “Well, that shouldn’t be too hard. Take something really safe like ‘You shall not kill,’ Dawn. I mean, really how many times have you killed someone? Have you ever?”

About that time our new dog, Biscuit, started to bark and bark and bark. It got me to thinking about the same barking at 5:30 this morning when the garbage man was so loud emptying my neighbor’s garbage that he woke the the dog and me. I caught myself saying to my husband, “If I could have gotten my hands on the garbage man this morning, I think I would have killed him.” Honestly, it couldn’t have even been a half hour after I hung the 10 commandments on the Jesse tree. Did I actually hear myself say, “I would have killed him”? Of course, it was a gross exaggeration to illustrate my frustration with him, but there it was, the seed of death. Jesus said if we kill we are in danger of judgement, but he also said if we are angry we are in danger of judgement Matthew 5:21-22. He does not differentiate between killing and anger. He said if we break the least of the commandments, we will be least in the Kingdom of God.

I’d be in the “least” category if it were not for Christmas. Because of Jesus the Lamb, I have been redeemed. The Babe in the manger came to pay the price for my sin and raise me out of the hell I deserve. Why would He do that?

My husband said, “You know, Dawn, that garbage man is our garbage man.”

I said, “You’re kidding.”

He said, “No, he’s the same man who will come here tomorrow to collect our trash.”

I was really sorry then. I really like our garbage man. He takes care of all our trash and is kind to our dogs. I couldn’t believe he was the same person who made all that noise at 5:30 am. I know him beyond the loud garbage collection incident and so I wanted to give him grace. Then it hit me. That’s exactly why Jesus paid the price for my sin. He knows me and loves me. We have a relationship. I am His child. He knows me intimately and, in.that.knowing, He gifts me His love, His mercy and His grace.

Each day of Advent I unwrap another layer in preparation for His coming…

His coming for all of us.


Thankful at the end of the year of now

Last December about this time Ann asked us to name the year 2011. I named it the Year of Now because I wanted to really live in the present moment not always be hoping for something in the future or pining about something in the past. This has been a special month of traveling to Bethlehem day by day, not just trying to get things done for Christmas Day. I’ve been able to live Jesus’ coming each and every day through using the Jesse tree and cradle to cross advent wreath. In the Multitudes on Mondays community at Ann’s I was also able to read about others’ journeys, too, and this enriched my own. Today I am thankful for

#415 Ann Voskamp’s free download of the Jesse Tree book and ornaments. It is a road map for the journey through the genealogical line of Christ that my husband and I enjoyed this Advent season.

#416 my ficus. It made a perfect Jesse tree presenting the genealogy of Jesus Christ through ornaments that sparkled in the light of my sun room.

#417 a young teen in my church who obeyed his mother and played the violin for the special music his mother and I sang.

#418 a new hairdresser who gave me a sensational hair cut for less than I usually pay.

#419 a blessed time of wrapping presents that really reminded me how very unique each and every one I buy for is!

#420 my daughters-in-law who tries to make time to visit around my crazy work schedule.

#421 the blaze of light when all the candles are lit on the advent wreath. (This is for Susan and Andrea Dawn.)

#422 that my husband can still preach although it tires him a lot.

#423 children and grandchildren and the fun we have together. I am thankful they know to keep visits short, however, because my husband has very little strength and can not have a lot of activity for too long. I am thankful for my daughter-in-law’s family who have lots of energy to keep them occupied.

#424 unexpected help from my 5-year-old grandson while preparing Christmas dinner. He would do everything I asked and listened attentively when I showed him how to place the silverware and fold the napkins. He really is a good helper.

#425 sons who break down instructions for little ones into bite-sized pieces of information that their children can follow easily. They must have learned it from their wives. I can’t remember being so wise. This is yet another good reason for marriage, one makes up for what the other lacks to make an entire whole.

#426 for work to do with the skills I have.

#427 frozen and canned goods from people’s gardens as gifts for Christmas. My refrigerator freezer and cupboard shelves are full.

#428 my dog, Sebastian, sleeping quietly most of the time, seemingly not suffering.

#429 a colleague at work who shares my vision for excellence in care delivery and is not afraid to takes risks to accomplish it.

#430 instant mashed potatoes…it’s a long story!

With the multitudes giving thanks,
